Where would you rather be right now?

Friday, April 23, 2010

Hobo in the forest??

This is the weirdest thing I have ever heard. Behind the school I go to there is a forest path, and if you walk just far enough down the path, you will see it. A tree, surrounded by knives, old plates, and beat up lawn chairs. Acting as ornaments on the tree there are spoons, and forks. A table is also there. This bizzare un-real story, is entirely true.

Three young girls went down to the woods from the schoolyard to fetch what they had left there, with the permission of a teacher. They walked and walked, until they saw it. The tree (as described above) with a dirty, grimy man up in it. Then something happened that no-one had ever expected. The man looked straight at them and said only this: "shhhhh".
Then he started coming down from the tree and approaching them. They all ran as soon as they had gotten over the shock of the situation.
Once they got back they told a teacher right away, and the matter was taken into the hands of the principal. The principal now thinks that "It's probably nothing" which nobody can beleive.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Monthly horoscope!

(you're an aries if your birthday is anytime between March 21st and April 19th)

You are a very funny, energetic person and you love to show that to the world. This is your chance! The rest of the month will be filled with you, you, and mor YOU!

Friendship: When your buds get the blues this month, party people like you will feel an itch to entertain. Invite everyone over for a dance party in your living room and it'll be a truly unforgettable fiesta.

Love: A girl's night out at the movies will turn into a group date when you spot a bunch of cuties from school......... sit next to them and sparks will fly!

Luck days: 2/22, 3/4, 3/17

Horoscope courtesy of TWIST magazine

The Letter of the Universe


I know the title sounds really weird, but, well actually what your about to read is even weirder. If your prone to nightmares, heart attacks, or high blood pressure I wouldn't read what's coming next. So please, it's a liability if you do. So please stop reading if you have any of those things. Okay, here it goes.

(This was a letter adressed to a friend, written by a drunk person)

Dear (not ) friend,

You are evil!! WOW!! You are in love with pigs with purple belly buttons, and a Pink & Red Zebra will tell you your future. So here it is: You will marry Robert Pattinson and have his child, then you will tell Paola you hate Taylor Lautner and throw the child in her face and tell her it's Renesmee. Then you die.
(PS lots of Twilight terminology being used)

Love (not),
The santa claus from forks

Monday, March 15, 2010

Find out what famous ppl have your "Star sign"!

I know that lately, or blog has been posting horoscope deets for only the star sign of that month. This would also mean that you would have to wait until your birthday or "special time" in order to look over your future. For this reason i will be posting a few deets on each star sign, hope this informs you!


Celebrities with your star sign are:
-Tiger Woods (Dec,30th 1975)
- Jessica Andrews (Dec, 29th 1983)

Great Acheivers with your star sign are:
- Martin Luther King JR., civil rights activist (Jan,15th 1929)
- Saint Joan of Arc, teenage visionary (Jan,6th 1412)

Characters with your star sign are:
- Thelma (scooby-doo)
- The little engine that could


Celebrities with your star sign are:
- Justin Timberlake (Jan,31st 1981)
- Nick Carter, back-street boys (Jan,28th 1980)

Great acheivers with your star sign are:
- Charles Darwin, formulated theory of evolution (Feb,12th 1809)
- Abraham Lincoln,president of the United States (Feb,12th 1809)
**Observation** They have the same birthday!

Characters with your star sign are:
- Mickey Mouse
- Snoopy, from the cartoon " Peanuts"


Celebrities with your star sign are:
- Jamie Bell (Mar,14th 1986)
- Tatlor Hanson (Mar,14th 1983)

Great Acheivers with your star sign are:
- Albert Einstein, scientist (Mar, 14th 1879)
- Jane Goodall, chimpanzee expert (Mar, 4th 1934)

Characters with your star sign are:
- Willy Wonka (Charlie and the chocolate factory)


Celebrities with your star sign:
- Claire Danes (april, 12th 1979)
- Heath Ledger (april, 4th 1979)

Great Acheivers with your star sign are:
- Leonardo da Vinci, artist and inventor (april,15th 1452)
- Wilbur Wright, inventor of the airplane ( mar, 30th 1970

Characters with your star sign:
- Lucy (Charlie Brown)

Sunday, March 14, 2010


I was enjoying the past week so much because of the amazing weather, but now that its been raining NON STOP since friday, I have been forced to beleive that maybe, just maybe, this might manipulize the March Break into a bad weather fest. This entire year I have been looking forward to this week off, and was picturing the sun shinig, birds chirping, and a trip to a museum (or other March-break kind of activity). But now that the tables have turned, that isnt much more than a memory, that never even happened! Well.... I guess all we can do now is hope for good weather at leasr ONCE this week.

Enjoy the March Break,