Where would you rather be right now?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Monthly horoscope!

(you're an aries if your birthday is anytime between March 21st and April 19th)

You are a very funny, energetic person and you love to show that to the world. This is your chance! The rest of the month will be filled with you, you, and mor YOU!

Friendship: When your buds get the blues this month, party people like you will feel an itch to entertain. Invite everyone over for a dance party in your living room and it'll be a truly unforgettable fiesta.

Love: A girl's night out at the movies will turn into a group date when you spot a bunch of cuties from school......... sit next to them and sparks will fly!

Luck days: 2/22, 3/4, 3/17

Horoscope courtesy of TWIST magazine

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