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Friday, April 23, 2010

Hobo in the forest??

This is the weirdest thing I have ever heard. Behind the school I go to there is a forest path, and if you walk just far enough down the path, you will see it. A tree, surrounded by knives, old plates, and beat up lawn chairs. Acting as ornaments on the tree there are spoons, and forks. A table is also there. This bizzare un-real story, is entirely true.

Three young girls went down to the woods from the schoolyard to fetch what they had left there, with the permission of a teacher. They walked and walked, until they saw it. The tree (as described above) with a dirty, grimy man up in it. Then something happened that no-one had ever expected. The man looked straight at them and said only this: "shhhhh".
Then he started coming down from the tree and approaching them. They all ran as soon as they had gotten over the shock of the situation.
Once they got back they told a teacher right away, and the matter was taken into the hands of the principal. The principal now thinks that "It's probably nothing" which nobody can beleive.

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