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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Twilight, Important Quotes

I know i have given TONS of posts 2day already but im new to the world of having a 'site and am loving every minute of it! Plz dont mind what im doing next if u arnt a HUGE FAN OF THE TWILIGHT SAGA! Below i will be puting in some quotes from the books and explanations on why i like them.

The first is from the 1st book in the saga, Twilight.

" A bout three things I was Positive. First Edward was a vampire. Second a part of him -and i wasnt sure how dominant that part may be- that thirsted for my blood. And 3rd, i was irresistably, irevocably, in love with him. "

Sorry thats all 4 today but i will be posting the next quote tomorrow, Thank you!

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