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Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Olympic Games (Vancouver 2010)

Good Morning Bloggers!!

I trust that u had a good Saturday, and that u have been wathing the Olympic Winter games which are being held in Vancouver, Canada. I am personally overjoyed by the progress our country - Canada - has made this year! We have already over-ruled all of the countries participating aside from Germany & The U.S.A! We r now in third place and I cant help but hope for more, silver possibly, or even GOLD would be AMAZING! In the entire olympic games,not just a single sport but all of them out together, is probabally Canada's hopes and dreams this winter season. As you know the Olympic games are r a gift from the Olympic committee, and sadly this is one gift that eventually HAS TO end. I know, I know. You're probablly wondering why this is the case, but it is strictly because first money dosnt grow on trees, and second winter dosnt last forever. So the winter games would'nt possibly be able to stay alive throughout the entire year. So, that brings me to the conclusion and please Remember watch the olymips, show your support, and buy the HBC olympic collection (which is the clothes provider for these winter games), as well as the cute mittens(soooooo warm!!)

Enjoy the rest of February's last and say hello to march when the sun comes up!!

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