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Friday, March 5, 2010

Great Weather!! Spring's on its way!

Over the last few days the weather has been amazing. It's such a releif to know that those cold (more like freezing) winter days are over. Today wasn't the best weather but this weekend will be AMAZING w/ lows of 9 and 10 degrees in the GTA. On top of that its going to be mind-blowingly sunny! Some good ideas of things to do when there is weather as good as this are : Going to the park, maybe a little walk (or if you want to get that excersise you really need, make it longer!) , a picnic, a bike ride, out door activities such as jumping rope or playing hop scotch, and any great activities (make sure they're appropriate for this weather ex: no outdoor swimming, or jumping in sprinklers) that you can can think of! Enjoy the weekend (& the GREAT WEATHER!!),

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