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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

March Already?!

Hi Bloggers!!

I cant beleive its already the second day of March!!! The year has gone by so fast, I almost feel like im on a never ending roller coaster that never slows down! Its almost spring ALREADY, not that im not glad that trechorus winter is over just that it feels like only yesterday i was opening Chridtmas presents and that was 2 whole months ago. WOW, I am happy March Break is on the way. For me school is not HORRIBLE but i'd still rather go places than stay in a room and learn things. Although learning is very important to do or else u might end up living like a PEASANT ON THE STREET! So listen in class and never complain to your parents about school because they are the ones giving you something that will help in the long run. EDUCATION. So thank them each and everyday for what they are doing for you, because one day when you're some succesfull person that is making more money than they could have ever dreamed of and you'll be there thinking "WOW, all that work was so worth it". Remember this throughout your life, and im sure it'll be a great one.

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